I have learned a lot in Madam Sharifah's class regarding creating blog and using adobe photoshop. Creating a blog and using adobe photoshop involves three learning theories; which are behaviorist, cognitivist and constructivist.
Behaviorism is mainly known as the approach where the student follow what the teacher does, and student will be rawarded when the job is done well. In the instructional technology class, our lecturer shows us all a very detailed, step by step, instructions and guidance to help us build our own blog. This is behaviorism. We are also told that we are rewarded with marks when we complete our blogs if it is very appleasing to her.
Cognitivism happens when the students think and generate questions to aske the teacher. Cognitivism is also present as we ask Madam for help whenever we face any difficulty or troubles. By asking questions we are able to overcome the problems faced.
Constructivism is also present during the creation of this blog. Constructivism oxcurs when the students gather their ideas and thoughts then they construct the knowledge to the teacher. The teacher will then gather them and provide a solution or a reasoning. So when creating this blog, I shared with Madam my ideas or how my plan on how this blog will look like briefly. She will then add on more ideas or tips to make it more fascinating.
This blog is a product of all three learning theories combined. I have benefited a lot from creating this blog;and had much fun doing it.
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